Saturday, April 30, 2011
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Comics is too Damn High
With the downswing of the economy and the increase in prices everywhere, it's still hurting whenever I get my weekly comic pull.
Now, I'm currently dating a geeky chick who is into sci-fi, MMA and comics; also known as the Holy effin Grail. Imagine my glee. Just think about how awesome it is to note my girlfriend's pensive look, ask her what she's thinking about and her answer being 'Iron Man'.
Imagine. The. Glee.
A couple of weeks ago, she brought something up that I hadn't truly considered- 'why are comics so expensive?'
Now, I complain about comic prices frequently- we are in a recessed economy, and they haven't decreased. Also, they are CHOKED with ads, and tend to be short a few pages, and when DC comics decided to 'Draw the Line at 2.99', all they did was remove two pages and replace them with ads.
Which is good for whom, precisely?
I understand that waiting for the trade hurts the comic industry, but there aren't many options when the stories suck and the issue prices are in the stratosphere. Remember back when I brought up why I hated event comics? It kills the reader’s ability to casually appreciate their favorite stories. It also shows a flippant disregard for our pocketbooks and a terrible conundrum: The bigger publishers have such a huge market presence that they can afford to write sub-standard stories and charge whatever they please, but the smaller independent publishers can’t afford to charge less and stay in business. It sucks to wait for the trade, but when you have several stories that you love, you have to make a choice.
I propose a new political party! One that directly deals with the rising and exorbitant prices of our dear comic books. I propose the creation of the Comics is Too Damn High Party!
-Mind the gap, bitches.
Check back here for more rambles about the comics that you love oh so much.
And follow me on Twitter to get more frequent updates on comic news and my upcoming title Catch or Kill.
Friday, April 22, 2011
This week in FreakAngels.
This is ending soon, but you can catch up here:
Mind the gap, bitches.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Otomata. The next big internet thing.
Namaste, bitches! Remember when LineRider was the time-killer of choice? Well, say hello to Otomata, a ‘generative sequencer by Batuhan Bozkurt.
I have been playing with this for a solid hour, and I am officially going to bed three hours late tonight. Enjoy kids.
So easy that I made one!
Redditors make the coolest shit.
Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter for up-to-the-minute updates!
Friday, April 15, 2011
TOKYOPOP takes another, possibly fatal blow.
Konnichi-wa, bitches. Sadly, it looks like TOKYOPOP, one of the best-known names in english language manga is closing down at the end of
next month.
You can read about it here , but I have to say that I didn’t see it coming. I’m more of an anime fan than manga, but I truly appreciate the medium.
I hate to see businesses close, especially now, and especially when they are publishers of my dear action magazines.
The problem now is, do the creators get their rights back, or is this tragedy going to compound itself?
Keep reading the Futureworks for developments as they arise. Where am I gonna read Fruits Basket now??
-Mind the gap.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Mortal Mon-er, Tuesday
Namaster, Bitches! With the latest Mortal Kombat video game in development and forcing drool from the faces of gore-happy fanboys more every day, we are given another treat.
Do you remember the pitch footage of a little gem called Mortal Kombat: Rebirth from last year? Don't remember?
Here you go
Well, they didn't get Warner Bros. to bite, so they turned it into a web series Called Mortal Kombat Legacy.
And it's so good my ass hurts.
I can't believe I have to wait a week till the next one.
-Mind the gap
Check back here for more rambles about the comics that you love oh so much.
And follow me on Twitter to get more frequent updates on comic news and my upcoming title Catch or Kill.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Io9.com… finally back again, for the first time before! And beyond!
Namaste, bitches!
Io9.com, a technology and science blog recently changed their format. At first I loved it, and I wanted to pay homage to(steal) for my own purposes, but after a week of trying to navigate, and reading the similar frustrations from other readers, I stopped altogether.
It was terrible, horrible even. Io9 was my favorite website for teckie/geek news, and it was impossible to read.
I caught a masochistic hankering for some geeky goodness, and thankfully, finally, there is a revert button for those who miss the old 'blog' style. So guess what I'm doing now?
It's not exactly the same, but damnit, it's legible. I'm happy. Ooh, zombies!
-Mind the gap
Check back here for more rambles about the tech culture that you love oh so much.http://Jackfreelance.blogspot.com/
And follow me on Twitter to get more frequent updates on comic news and my upcoming title Catch or Kill.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Bob Parsons, my old boss cements himself as a truly disgusting piece of garbage.
Because this is what the world needs more of, I guess.
All of my domains are registered through GoDaddy, and I DARE them to yank them.
Hello, Earth!
Earth's true shape.
Check back here for more rambles about the comics that you love oh so much. http://Jackfreelance.blogspot.com/
And follow me on Twitter to get more frequent updates on comic news and my upcoming title Catch or Kill.